"Leadership is neither a rank
nor a title. It is a choice"

– Simon Sinek –

Executives Leadership Program (ELP)

What does leadership mean to you? What is the essence of your own leadership role? The basis is driven from the inside out: where do I stand now, what is my ambition?

We live in a world that is constantly changing, constantly in movement, in flux. This has become the daily fare for organizations, with all the complexity this entails. This fast-changing world we live in requires flexibility in leadership, focus and the ability to deal with the insecurities and complexity you, your team and your organization face. It asks of us to be resilient, balanced and grounded.


the programma
With the help of an intensive program, we look for depth by focusing on a number of important building blocks associated with leadership: ‘purpose’, ‘system awareness’, ‘self awareness’, ‘dealing with complexity’, ‘suspension & letting go’, ‘personal power’. The program is meant for leaders who are eager to work from a deeper mission and inspiration. You will receive practical insight and possible next steps to implement in your personal and professional life, in order to become more effective, more visible, and more resilient. As leader, you will be better able to create conditions for your employees where you can inspire them, challenge them and support them to be more proficient and stronger in their work.

Would you like to know more about whether or not this program answers your queries or do you want to discuss it further, then call or mail: turid.mastenbroek@tmadvies.nl